Cómo hacer una granja de abejas en Minecraft

Cómo hacer una granja de abejas en Minecraft
Las abejas son quizás las criaturas más trabajadoras del mundo de Minecraft. Toman los descansos más cortos, ofrecen un suministro casi infinito de miel y también son las criaturas más lindas para jugar. Y como leerás hoy, también pueden ser uno de los mejores recursos automáticos del juego. Sin embargo, en esta guía, explicaremos todo lo que necesita saber sobre cómo construir una granja de abejas en Minecraft. Con las mejores ubicaciones y una lista completa de elementos, el proceso de configuración de su granja de abejas debería ser sencillo. Ahora profundicemos y veamos cómo hacer una granja de abejas automática en Minecraft.

Haz una granja de abejas automática en Minecraft (2022)

Solo recuerda actualizar tu juego a la actualización de Minecraft 1.18 primero. Esto le ayudará a ahorrar mucho tiempo al solucionar problemas. El método que estamos viendo funciona con las versiones de Minecraft Java y Bedrock. Esto viene del creador de Youtube ChimneySwift11 . Además, hemos dividido el tutorial en secciones separadas para que sea más fácil de seguir para los jugadores.

¿Para qué se utilizan las granjas de abejas en Minecraft?

Las granjas de abejas en Minecraft pueden tener una variedad de propósitos. Puedes utilizar las granjas de abejas para:

  • Crear miel automáticamente
  • recoger panales
  • Crear más abejas
  • En algunos casos para la cosecha

No importa cómo uses tu granja, la metodología para configurar una granja de abejas en Minecraft es la misma. Además, los elementos necesarios para fabricarlo también son fáciles de encontrar.

Elementos necesarios para crear una granja de abejas

To create a bee farm in Minecraft you will need the following items:

  1. Block flower or blooming azalea
  2. 5 stone blocks (or any other building blocks)
  3. 2 plates
  4. dispenser
  5. Breast
  6. 4 glass blocks
  7. Hopper
  8. Redstone comparator
  9. 1 bee nest
  10. 2 bees
  11. Honey bottles or comb scissors

How to find bees in Minecraft

As you might guess, the most important aspect of our farm is the bees. Bees spawn most often in the grassland biome, but you can find them in various forest and plain biomes. Hives are usually found attached to birches or oaks in these biomes. You can use our tutorial on how to get bees in Minecraft to find and catch them quickly. While you’re at it, you can also try to get a bee nest with bees already in it.

The best place to build an automatic bee farm

When looking for the perfect location to set up a bee farm, there are two things to keep in mind – performance and safety . Unlike villagers in Minecraft, bees only follow the cycle of day and night if they are in the overworld. Therefore, if you create a bee farm in the Nether or End dimension, the bees will work restlessly. Of course, from time to time they will still rest. But the change of day and night will not affect them, and you will have an endless supply of honey.

We suggest you stick to the Nether for easier access to the outside world using the Nether Portals in Minecraft. In terms of security, you can either build a structure to protect your farm from mobs or look for  Basalt Deltas . This is the safest biome in Minecraft’s Nether Dimension. The only mobs that spawn in Bestas Deltas are magma cubes and they are very easy to kill.

Steps to create a bee farm in Minecraft

Our goal with this Minecraft bee farm is to get honey, honeycombs and maybe more bees. Luckily, we can make everything on this farm fully automatic. So you only need to do the hard work once. Now let’s go through each segment one by one and build our bee farm.

Storage and Consumables

First, put the chest on the ground, and a funnel on it. Then place  a block of blooming azalea  connected to a bunker floating above the ground. Alternatively, you can also use a flower  and place it on a dirt block.

The glass chamber of the bee

Then build a glass chamber using four glass blocks  surrounding the azalea or flower. Don’t forget to cover the top. Don’t forget that you may have to place a temporary block first in order to place the floating glass blocks. Then place  the bee nest  facing the glass chamber on top of the funnel. It is best to have the bee already in the nest, otherwise getting it into the chamber can be difficult.

Gather honey and honeycombs

Since we make honey on this farm, we also need a way to harvest it. To do this, you need to place the dispenser on top of the bee nest. Then place the glass bottles in the dispenser so that the honey is automatically collected whenever it is produced.

In addition, you can also put the scissors into the dispenser to automatically make and collect honeycombs. Make sure all dispenser columns are filled with the product you are using. Also, keep in mind that the dispenser should be pointing down when you install it. The easiest way to verify this is to stand under the truss and look up while connecting it to the glass block.

Redstone Mechanism

As for the last step, we need to create a Redstone mechanic that will automatically make our machine collect honey or honeycomb when they are ready. First, you need to create a structure with  slabs and stone blocks. You then need to place the Redstone compactor and connect it to the main machine. The easiest way to do this is to reproduce the structure in this screenshot.

By focusing on structure, you can use any in-game building blocks other than rocks. There are two blocks connected to the dispenser and one plate at the end of these blocks. Then there is a block behind the bee nest. After that you have two blocks with one gap next to the bunker. Finally, there is a slab located next to the nest up from the last block. You will need to set up a temporary block before placing this floating detached slab.
Once placement is complete, place the Redstone compactor on the first block behind the hopper . Meanwhile, the rest of the stone surfaces facing up will need 5 Restone Dust to complete the structure. So, once your design looks like the screenshot above, all you have to do is wait.

How a bee farm works in Minecraft

The bee nest slowly fills up as the bees dance tirelessly around the flowers. Once the bee nest reaches its maximum level, it will trigger all five redstones that we have placed on our structure. This will cause the dispenser to drop the scissors or bottles. This process will result in collecting honey bottles or honeycombs in the chests below.

However, you must be careful when using scissors, as they cause damage to the bee nest when used. After enough time has passed, you can open the chest and collect honey bottles or honeycombs. Pretty easy, right?

How to expand an automatic bee farm

The bee farm works on unpretentious mechanics, as you may have noticed. Because of this, you can expand it with more bees. With every bee you put into the system, you only need to rebuild the same structure as above. You can even make them connected for easy access.

Plus, you can even breed bees inside the nest by feeding them flowers through the hole. Just leave a slab space, not a whole block to open.

Create a bee farm to get honey and honeycombs in Minecraft

You are now ready to create unlimited honey with your own automated bee farm in Minecraft. Please feel free to experiment and customize the truss according to your design. The only thing you need to make sure is that you have enough Redstone triggers to match the five levels of honey. In addition, everything else can be restructured to your liking. If you want something more powerful, you can try installing Forge in Minecraft. This program allows you to install some of the best Minecraft mods. Some of them can even help you create many other automatic farms. With that said, what other farm are you interested in opening? Tell us in the comments below!

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